Advisor Interview Questionnaire RG Advisor Interview Questionnaire Hello!Kindly take the time to answer the questions below. It is easy to complete & quick!Cheers!Raj K GoyalFinancial Advisor & Talent Acquisition Manager,Chief Compliance & Chief Human Resources Officer204 894 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What is your first & last name? *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Is the applicant currently licensed? *YesNon LicensedLicensed but not activeLicensed expired, need to retake examIf licensed, how many years of experience? *Name of the MGA applicant worked with. *Average volume of business written each year. *Does the applicant have a secure home office? *YesNoExternal OfficeOtherWe provide leads. Rejection will be a big part of client interaction. You improve over time, but getting rejected is expected. On the scale of 1 to 5, five being the highest, how do you handle rejection and provide a brief example. *This is big industry with advisors making 5 to 6 figure incomes in a short time, but it doesn't happen automatically. It will require work. It is a very fair industry. Advisors get what they put into it. We are looking for advisors who will commit full-time hours. Who will work through the company leads and their personal leads. How many hours a week can you totally commit as an advisor in the next 3 months? *Less than 10 hours per weekbetween 10-20 hours per weekOver 20 hours per weekOver 30 hours per weekOver 40 hours per week.Advisor who put in full-time hours for the year earn an average of $50 thousand or higher. What is your income goal for the first year? *Less than 20kBetween 20-40kBetween 40-60kBetween 60-80k80+Did you have any suspension of licenses before? *YesNoOtherIf Yes, explain.What is your status in Canada *Permanent ResidentCItizenVisitorInternational studentContract workOtherIf Other, explain.Have you filed for any bankruptcy or consumer proposal and how long ago? *Given the sensitive financial nature of what we do in our industry, this position will require a thorough background check including credit and and criminal background check. Do you agree to have a background check? *YesNoIf we proceed with your application, there is a Administrative, and systems fee of $100 paid to IFSG. If you are not a licensed advisor, you will need to enroll to the LLQP course to get your license to be a Financial Advisor. This cost $150 plus tax. If you are already licensed, you do not need to take this course. Once you have passed the licensing exam, there is a professional licensing and insurance fee required by the provincial government for all professional financial advisors. This allows you to operate in the industry. The average cost of this fee $600 which will be paid to the provincial goverment and to the Errors and Omissions insurance coverage. Do you agree to commit to this fee? *YesNoOtherAre you able to start within the next two weeks? *YesNoOtherAdditional Comments and questions *Interviewer *Decision *Good to start right awaySecond interview requiredNot a good candidate at this time, offer Marketing Associate on next interviewNot a good condidate for both advisor and MA applicant license have Additional comment on the applicant? *Interviewer email *- Select Email -rgoyal@ifsg-ca.comoffice@ifsg-ca.comSubmit